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The Past Within

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  • Updated Date:
    Nov 17, 2022
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  • Available on:
    Google Play App Store
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  • Developer:
    Rusty Lake
  • Size:
    391.4 MB


  • The Past Within is a game about time travel and memory. You are sent back in time to prevent a tragedy, but you must find a way to deal with the memories of your past self, who is trying to stop you. The game is on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and will be coming soon to PC. The Past Within is a time travel game where you play as two characters: your past self, who is trying to prevent you from changing history, and you, the present-day protagonist, who has been sent back in time by an unknown entity. To change things up, you have access to both characters. This means that you can switch between them at any moment during gameplay. This article will cover some tips for playing The Past Within effectively during combat and puzzle segments.

    The game's primary goal is to survive as long as possible and reach the highest score. You can do this by collecting coins, which are scattered throughout your house. The cash will give you points at the end of each level, but they also keep you alive longer. Avoid all enemies except when they're in your way and you have nowhere else to go.

    Take Advantage of Shortcuts

    Several shortcuts in Past Within allow you to skip levels or bypass certain obstacles if you know where they are. The first one is at the beginning of the game: If you walk into your bedroom, there's a secret passage behind your bed that leads downstairs into the kitchen (and vice versa). This is also useful if an enemy catches up with you and tries to kill you — just run back through this shortcut so he won't be able to follow!

    Collect as Many Coins as Possible

    Coins will give you points at the end of each level and keep you alive longer by giving you more health points when attacked by enemies (they'll still hurt, though!). It's also worth noting that coins are unlimited by time.

    Always Check Your Map!

    The map is your best friend in this game because it shows where you're going and what you need to do next. It also shows where some items or obstacles will help you get through the level more quicker! Sometimes some things or barriers aren't visible until you use them, so check your map before moving on from an area if something looks suspicious or out of place.

    Get Used To Using Your Senses

    You'll need these more than once during your playthrough of this game! Not only will they help find hidden objects in rooms, but they'll also let you uncover clues about what happened before.

    Make use of the Leftover Items

    Items are an essential element in the game. You can use them to solve puzzles, improve your health, and even escape certain situations. However, do not just throw away leftover items, as they are still helpful in many ways. You can combine different items to create new ones, which will help you complete some of the puzzles in the game quickly.

    Try to Save Your Health Points and Time

    Health points are essential for surviving in this game, and you should try to save them as much as possible by finding food, water, or other sources of food and water to keep yourself alive longer than expected. If you see that you have too many health points left after fighting with enemies, then avoid fighting them until later when you need more experience points for leveling up your character's level or unlocking new skills for them since there is no point wasting them on an unnecessary fight which may result in losing all these health points due to getting poorly hurt from being attacked by enemies during combat which may lead to death eventually if not treated fast enough before it's too late!

    To succeed in the game, Remember to use your items! The items you can find throughout the game are helpful, so remember to use them. You can also upgrade your weapons and armor with the resources you find. This will make them more powerful, allowing you to face more challenging enemies. Explore every room! Multiple rooms can be explored on each level by pressing the door or entering through a window opening. Each room has its challenges and rewards, including new items for crafting and upgrades for your weapons and armor. Be careful when walking along rooftops! If you fall from a rooftop or bridge, it will cost you health points (HP). You can also get injured by falling onto spikes or other sharp objects on the ground below you, which will also cost HP points!


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